Current Initiatives
These are the active projects I'm currently involved with, all aligned with our mission to build a heliogenic future.
Project MIRACLE is our flagship initiative for accelerating the transition to a life-centered civilization. We're developing two transformative components:
MIRACLE Factory Network
A distributed ecosystem of "entrepreneurial universities" dedicated to cultivating life-serving solutions. Each Factory blends ancient wisdom, modern science, and regenerative principles to develop material, social, cultural, and spiritual technologies accessible to everyone. By supporting and connecting multiple physical and digital hubs worldwide, the Network empowers communities to thrive without dependence on extractive systems.
Explore the MIRACLE Factory Network
Vida Nova Fund
A catalyst for accelerating the transition to a life-centered civilization. The fund partners with large pools of liberated capital—such as sovereign wealth and pension funds—to invest in regenerative solutions that can be released into the commons. Through its "Exit to Planet" strategy, Vida Nova both meets the financial expectations of investors and founders, while ensuring that life-serving technologies and knowledge are gifted freely to everyone.
le melo
A practical demonstration of regenerative business principles, le melo is next-generation hydration designed with both human and planetary health in mind. With max 5g of sugar and 19 calories, it delivers all the electrolytes, ionic trace minerals, and vitamins your body needs while maintaining a minimal environmental footprint.
Heliogenesis Movement
A framework and growing movement for building a civilization that runs on the sun. We're creating practical tools and methodologies that help communities, businesses, and governments align their operations with life's natural cycles.